bulk charcoal

Doing Business With JURK

  • Privately Owned Company
  • Competitive Pricing
  • Fastest Lead Times
  • Fully Insured / SDS Available
  • Marketing / Promotions

We strive to have the best customer service, wholesale pricing and lead times in the industry. Combine that with some of the best lump charcoal in the market today, and your customers gain access to the best value in BBQ!

Our standard skid size is 60 bags so please understand that is over 1000 lbs of fuel. But did you know that charcoal doesn’t go bad? Unless you are talking in terms of hundreds or even thousands of years? If stored properly in a dry atmosphere and temperatures over 40 degrees, you can pass down the charcoal for generations and generations…but what’s the fun in that? ​


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    *Delivery location has:

    Whether you need charcoal for your restaurant, catering business, retail location or just like to save a buck and stock up, we will work with your needs as best as possible! It is very helpful to have a forklift or dock at the shipping location and for it to be a commercial address. Otherwise the freight companies will be charging extra fees which usually total over $100.

    That is why we recommend you to ask around and see who might be able to help you out. Usually small businesses in your area (mechanics, bbq shops, breweries) are happy to lend a hand, especially if you offer them a free meal afterwards!

    Our Approach

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